Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 7: Weather

The weather was fine today. I think that if you don't know how to feel today. Just look to the sky...then you know.

Day 6: Speaker

I was in vereeniging to make some pics about a speaker. He was american and he spoke very long and it was really boring. There were about twenty people in the audience but after a half hour there were only six people left. zzzzzz.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 5: VUT breakfast

An another post about the VUT. This time the staff and some speakers of the university of technology were gathering at the Emerald Casino in vanderbijlpark for a breakfast and to make an early yearsend resolution There also were plans presented for the future. The schoolyear is almost over here in South Africa. From half december until half january will be the holliday season.

Day 4: VUT 96.9 FM

There was an opening of the radiostation VUT FM  at the local stadium in vanderbijlpark SA. The new station is owned by the university of technology in the same place. There was some ribbons to be cut, speeches to be held and the first broadcasting by the chancelor/principal.
The station will be broadcasting 50% news and 50% music.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 3: Nest

It was stormy today, so I didn't wantet to go outside. But suddenly I heard loud birdsounds. So I went outside and the only thing I saw was this nest.
I made a pic of the nest. And I will let you know when I find the bird who ownes it.

Day 2: Bowie

Cause I don't have internet on weekends haha South Africa, that is why I post my photos and stories a few days later.

Me and my girlfriend were visiting  friends  who were on holliday in South Africa. They were staying also with friends in Jo'burg who had an interesting cat. He or she was called snowy...something but I called him/her 'Bowie'.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day one: Urban Textures

It's my first day. I don't have anything what's newsworthy or nothing creativity is coming up to me.
I walked ouitside the office and I saw nothing until..I watched closely, to the structure of buildings, patterns that's evolving. When you see things more closely, you see things what people are taking for granted.
But I thought that I stept outside the crowd for a little while. ..And that is awesome.

So I made some texture pics. I edit it with lightroom and presto. ....Something something... 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

First message

Hello. I'm Frank Trimbos and this is my first post of my very first blog. I'm a dutch photographer and I living currently with my girlfriend in South Africa.
People say to learn to make photos you must make photos...a lot.
Practise is everything. And I 'm hoping to make new friends and expand my knowledge along the way.

So I hope this will work.