Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New Life Centre

Hi all, Some times I can't stop to thinking of...why I'm doing this. But why not?

A few weeks ago I went to A shelter for children from 5 to 17 years old. The New life Centre is a shelter that currently has 18 children. It is running by Anton & Veronica Mocke. They are the good people who take the children from the homes that became to hardrd to live anymore. Because of several reasons. Drinking, drugs, abuse or all of them.

I went a few weeks ago to make cover story and what I saw were beautiful children, spontaneous, motivated and full of dreams. Everyone got their own story, from worse to very worse. Harry 16 years old is living at the shelter because he was a bad boy. He did drugs little crimes and ran a few times away from his aunt where he stayed. When you listened deeper to his story, he added that when he was 5 years old his father murdered his mother and sister when he was drunk. before he killed himself.

The shelter don't get any support from the government because the law don't allow to support "white' shelters.
cause the black empowerment law.

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